Keep Pressing On

Keep Pressing On

Do you wish you were better students in high school? Many of us do, even the top students. Success comes to those who are driven to learn, to explore, and to give new things a try. Now that we are older, we can appreciate the things we learned with a sharper eye....
Reach Out and Call Someone

Reach Out and Call Someone

The Alan B. Shepard Alumni Organization is here to connect you with fellow alumni. Whether this happens through reunions, get-togethers, or pointing you toward school events. There’s another way, though. This method will take a little initiative. And if you have...
Class of 2027

Class of 2027

Class of 2027: Be incredible. Be amazing. Lead. Be a servant. Follow what you know is true and right. Study hard. Live with integrity. Play fair. Be the best you possible. Plan for what happens after high school. In 2027, you will be looking back while looking...
Reunion Tips (01)

Reunion Tips (01)

When organizing a large reunion—any reunion, not just high school—you need to plan. Not doing this is how too many reunions fail to garner the necessary support and attendance. Plan well and expect the best. Plan for success. What’s a reunion plan? Simply put,...