April Fool’s 2023
The April Fool’s 2023 gag went went. It is the first in what will become an annual tease to see how many people we can pull into being fooled. If you attended or worked for Shepard, join us.
The Gag
NEWS: It was announced at 12:01 this morning that the school team will be renamed “The Ridges,” named after the street it is located. All uniforms for the spring season are being made available immediately. Be sure to check out the design and comment.
Fewer than 14% of you clicked the link. Either you are that sharp or that gullible that you didn’t need further information to make up your mind.
With 61 comments, it was a happy success. Some of the upset people apparently read the comments (or their spouse jabbed them offline not to overreact) and they updated with a smile, “You got me.”
We Responded the Next Day
I saw a few of you got caught by our April Fool’s joke. There were a few tips, though. Be ready next year. 🙂
So, to be clear: There was no name change. The Shepard Astros will not become the Shepard Ridges.
- It was April Fool’s Day
- It was a ridiculous proposition announced on a non-business day (Saturday) at a non-business hour (a minute after midnight)
- And you were invited to click the link which clearly said exactly what it was. It goes to Amazon to a pre-searched page for April Fool’s gifts. Snake in a can, fake poop and roaches, etc. Note, it is the alumni group affiliate link and anything you buy after clicking helps support our work.
Got a Good Idea for Next Year?

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