Life did not end in high school.

Do you remember Al Bundy (Married With Children) and how he scored four touchdowns in one game? In the TV show, he constantly pointed out that he did exactly that for the Polk High School Panthers. It was a great accomplishment, but he was now married with two children. He was disappointed with his life as a shoe salesman, so he relied on the glory days so many years before.

[Al is at an employment office talking with the super-obese social worker ironically named Ms. Blaub]

Al Bundy: And so, uh, Miss, uh… Blaub.

Ms. Blaub: “Ms.” Blaub.

Al Bundy: Uh, yeah, I’m sorry, uh, your name was partially obscured by some, uh… errant flesh. Uh, as I was saying, I-I’m just not going to take anything, unlike you at a buffet. So, um, uh, what do you have for me?

Ms. Blaub: Some Mennen Speed Stick in my desk?

Al Bundy: Well, uh, let me give you a little tip: it goes under your arms… if you can ever get them horizontal.

Ms. Blaub: Did you go to high school?

Al Bundy: Polk High. And while I find you fat and repulsive, I’ll gladly regale you with tales of my four touchdowns in one game.

Ms. Blaub: [sarcastic] Oh, how rare it is to have someone who played high school football in an employment office.

Al was still living in the past. He hasn’t the confidence that he can live a better life.

It’s not just about accomplishments in sports. In Bruce Springsteen’s song, Glory Days (listen now), he points out the story of a high school beauty who could “could turn all the boys’ heads” grew up to have a family, but misses those “glory days,” and sits at a bar on Fridays wishing she was young again.

A great life isn’t about what you did, or what you think you’ll do. It is about loving those in your life. It is about taking care of that day’s responsibilities. If you are married, it is being the best spouse you can be. If you are a parent, it is about being the best mother or father you can be. Professionally, if you have dreams, it is about you doing what is required to move forward in your career or your goals.

We loved high school or we hated it. Maybe we had good times and bad. Either we scored four touchdowns in one game, or we sat in the corner and never joined the quietest club. Maybe we were the kid who is on the team, but never won the race. That’s OK. All of it is OK. It’s about moving forward not looking back. It’s OK to remember the good times and feel proud of what you might have accomplished, but don’t live there.

Life after high school can be scary, but it can be amazing. Whether you scored four TDs in one game or not, move forward.

Oh, you want that T-shirt? We found it on Amazon.

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