Putting together a good high school reunion planning committee is crucial to ensure a successful and memorable event.

  1. Identify Potential Committee Members
    • Start by reaching out to classmates who are interested in organizing the reunion.
    • Utilize social media platforms, such as Facebook or alumni groups, to gather potential volunteers.
    • Consider contacting the school alumni association or using alumni databases to find interested individuals. Watch out for scams. We can help with this.
  2. Diverse Representation
    • Aim for diversity in terms of class years, interests, and skill sets. A mix of personalities and perspectives can make the planning process more well-rounded.
  3. Assign Roles and Responsibilities
    • Once you have a group of volunteers, assign specific roles and responsibilities based on their skills and interests. Common roles include:
      • Event Coordinator: Oversees the entire planning process.
      • Finance Manager: Handles the budget and finances.
      • Promotion and Communication: Manages outreach, invitations, and promotion.
      • Venue and Catering Coordinator: Finds and negotiates with venues and catering services.
      • Activities and Entertainment Coordinator: Plans entertainment and activities for the reunion.
      • Decorations and Souvenirs: Takes care of event decor and keepsakes.
  4. Set Clear Goals and Objectives
    • Clearly define the goals and objectives of the reunion, such as the date, location, and type of event (e.g., formal dinner, casual picnic, or weekend getaway).
    • Establish a budget and timeline for planning.
  5. Regular Meetings
    • Schedule regular committee meetings to discuss progress, share updates, and make decisions collectively.
    • Use digital tools like Google Docs, Zoom, or project management apps to facilitate communication and collaboration.
  6. Delegate Tasks
    • Ensure that each committee member is responsible for specific tasks related to their role.
    • Set deadlines and follow up on progress.
  7. Maintain Communication
    • Establish a central communication channel, such as an email group or a messaging app, to keep everyone informed.
    • Encourage open and transparent communication among committee members.
  8. Encourage Creativity
    • Allow committee members to brainstorm and propose ideas for the reunion, ensuring that they align with the overall vision.
  9. Stay Organized
    • Keep detailed records of budgets, contracts, and planning documents.
    • Use project management tools or spreadsheets to track progress.
  10. Flexibility and Adaptability
    • Be prepared to adapt plans as needed, especially if unexpected challenges arise.
  11. Promote Inclusivity
    • Ensure that the reunion is inclusive and welcoming to all classmates, regardless of their background or high school experience. This means to invite more than just the people you know from your sports team or neighborhood, and all the other silly cliche cliques.
  12. Solicit Feedback
    • Seek input from your fellow classmates to ensure that their preferences and interests are considered during the planning process.
  13. Express Gratitude
    • Show appreciation to your committee members for their hard work and dedication.

By following these steps, you can assemble an effective high school reunion planning committee that will work together to create a memorable event for your classmates.

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